Who We Are

Know who we are

Who We Are

In a fast-moving and increasingly complex global economy, our success depends on how faithfully we adhere to our core principles: delivering exceptional client service; acting with integrity and responsibility; and supporting the growth of our employees.

Built on Principle

Fundmep is one of the rare financial institutions in the world. With a history of client focus dating back to 15 years.


client assets under management


global markets



Business Principles

We will work with fierce resolve to make this a company of which our customers, employees, shareholders and communities can be proud. We cannot promise specific outcomes or risk-free results. From time to time, we may fall short in our efforts and if that happens, we will renew our commitment to these principles and re-double our efforts. What we can and will promise is to be truthful and give honest assessments of our businesses and prospects; act with integrity and honor; and do the right thing—not necessarily the easy or expedient thing.

Operational Excellence

As important as strategy is, we have to execute to win. Execution involves every employee and every contact we have with customers. The devil is in the details. We must act quickly on problems; drive results, not just activities; and ensure detailed follow-up so that we meet our commitments.

In business, as in every other arena, ethical behavior does not just happen. It has to be cultivated and repeatedly affirmed throughout the organization. fundmep, acting with integrity is paramount– and it applies to every aspect of our company. Maintaining the highest standards of integrity involves faithfully meeting our commitments to all our constituents – customers, communities, employees, the Board, shareholders, regulators – and to ourselves.

 We Will Not Compromise Our Integrity

Ø  Do the right thing even when it’s not the easy thing

Ø  Have zero tolerance for unethical behavior

Ø  Be accountable, straightforward and honest in all your dealings

Ø  Abide by the spirit and the letter of the laws and regulations

Ø  We Face Facts

Ø  Look at the facts in a cold-blooded way; admit and learn from mistakes

Ø  Acknowledge the negatives

Ø  Have only one truth for all audiences

Ø  Keep one set of books

Ø  Get the right people in the room (and the best answers will be found)

We Foster an Environment of Respect, Inclusiveness, Humanity and Humility

Ø  Treat all people properly and with respect – from clerks to CEOs

Ø  Excel by embracing an inclusive work environment and diverse teams

Ø  Be open to different management and individual styles; there are many ways to be successful

Ø  Respect people’s personal lives and show compassion when an employee is struggling

Ø  Encourage all employees to take care of themselves – their mind, body, spirit and soul – and their friends and family

Ø  Help each other – whether in serving clients or in navigating careers at the firm

Ø  Have the humility to recognize that you don’t know everything – and foster an environment of openness, trust and sharing

Ø  Hire and promote those people who deserve respect (would you let your kids report to them?)

Ø  Have a deep acknowledgment of those who came before you – who helped pave the way and shape who we are

A Great Team and Winning Culture

Eventually, it all comes down to people. Creating a winning team and self-sustaining culture takes hard work, and there is no substitute for it. Teams do not win because they have a new stadium or the most attractive uniforms. Some of the best teams do not even have the most talented individual athletes. Teams succeed because they are disciplined, work well together, execute consistently and have a passion to win.

We Hire, Train and Retain Great, Diverse Employees

Ø  Hire great people and train them well

Ø  Encourage everyone to contribute to the best of his/her ability

Ø  Treat everyone with respect – everyone counts

Ø  Encourage life-long learning and a deep curiosity

Ø  Acknowledge and reward high performers; that helps identify and develop leaders

Ø  Recognize that we gain strength from a diverse workforce – embrace our differences

We Strive to Be Good Leaders

Ø  Remember that leadership is an honor and a responsibility

Ø  Understand that leadership is personal

Ø  Act quickly on tough issues and have the courage to fight for what you believe in

Ø  Share your passion to win

Ø  Support people who are willing to speak up – encourage constructive challenge

Ø  Be fair, be just, be willing to do the right thing – not the easy thing

Ø  Challenge the status quo: Fight social, racial and economic inequities

Ø  Get the incentives right (but that is not enough; people must feel they are valued and their contributions are important)

Ø  Be a leader in your community

Ø  Strive for continual improvement – drive change and innovation and never stop learning

Ø  Help our people take care of themselves – their health and spirit

Our job at Fundmep is to always do right by them and consistently strive not only to meet clients' needs but also to exceed their expectations and continually make it easy for clients to do business with us

As much as any company on the planet, we are helping individuals, businesses of all sizes, governments, nonprofits, and communities seize the opportunities of our times. We can do this because of the strong company we have built – global in reach, local in execution, with an impressive set of products and capabilities and a steadfast commitment to providing exceptional client service.





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