Banking Solution

Our Services


Depositing money securely involves ensuring that the process of transferring funds into a bank account is protected from unauthorized access or potential risks. With Fundmep Credit & Loans you are assured of your deposits.

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At fundmep, getting loans has never been easier; we offer a wide range of lending services that can be applied for from the comfort of your own home.

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Our withdrawal process is quick, thanks to our relationship with the global payment system Fundmep. Clients can take funds from their accounts quickly.

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Our referral system allows you to earn multiple dollars when you introduce a friend or family member.

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Banking Powered

Botherless transaction

How we enable global payment without borders.

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Fund Transfer / Withdrawal

Over 10 payment gateway, including crypto payment for efficiency. And quick deposit and withdrawal.

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We have competitive loans with lower interest rates than you can obtain on the market, which are available to everyone regardless of their place of residency.

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Pay Bill

With Fundmep user can pay bills.

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Start Banking

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Collect Paybacks

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Enjoy Banking

All Plans

Our Plans



16% / 30 Days
  • Lock In Period : 90 Days
  • Get Profit Every : 30 Days
  • Profit Rate : 16%
  • Minimum FDR : $500.00
  • Miximum FDR : $500000.00
  • Compounding : No
  • Cancel In : 30 Days


15% / 30 Days
  • Lock In Period : 180 Days
  • Get Profit Every : 30 Days
  • Profit Rate : 15%
  • Minimum FDR : $30.00
  • Miximum FDR : $500.00
  • Compounding : No
  • Cancel In : Anytime

Quick pay back

110.00% / 1 Days
  • Minimum Loan : $10.00
  • Miximum Loan : $50.00
  • Installment Rate : 110.00%
  • Installment Slice : 1 Days
  • Total Installment : 1


28.00% / 30 Days
  • Minimum Loan : $400.00
  • Miximum Loan : $2000.00
  • Installment Rate : 28.00%
  • Installment Slice : 30 Days
  • Total Installment : 4

Micro Mortgage Loan

3.00% / 30 Days
  • Minimum Loan : $50000.00
  • Miximum Loan : $100000.00
  • Installment Rate : 3.00%
  • Installment Slice : 30 Days
  • Total Installment : 36


37.00% / 30 Days
  • Minimum Loan : $15000.00
  • Miximum Loan : $100000.00
  • Installment Rate : 37.00%
  • Installment Slice : 30 Days
  • Total Installment : 3
Tailored experiences

Our Powerful Solutions

Our product and services are designed to provide our customers with financial independence.

  • Learning and financial development ability
  • Ease of Integration
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Faq Questions

Explore Your Questions.

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Fundmep Credit & Loans is available to all individuals without distinction. Anyone can open an account, including businesses, organizations, and private citizens. There are numerous opportunities to become involved in Fundmep Credit & Loans finance, regardless of experience level. We the one customer bank.

Our range of loan services is customized to fulfill your requirements. Open an account right now to learn more about our loans.

Being a global bank, we provide more than ten different payment options, including cryptocurrency, and our CRM will recommend payment ways based on your region, as such withdrawals are instant

Our customer support representatives are available around-the-clock; for a prompt response, visit the contact page or our social media accounts  for swift response

In order to assure that everyone participating benefits from Fundmep Credit & Loans, we have a number of rewards programs. Sign up to learn more.

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Bank Introduction

Know Fundmep Credit & Loan

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Why Choose Us

We are what you need

Fast & Reliable

Our services are dependable, prompt, and quick.

Easy to Use

To provide you with the finest possible service, we have the best user interface.

Extra-Secure Transactions

Our transactions are securely transmitted end to end for protection.

Live customer support when you need it

We are here to answer any questions you may have, 24/7.

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